Alriiight! A Bob's Burgers Trivia Night
Competition Rules
1. The trivia competition will start at 8 PM.
2. There will be 3 rounds with 40 questions total (2 rounds of 15, a final round of 10).
3. Teams can have between 1 - 5 members in them.
4. There is no "team fee" to participate; each person pays a $5 cover for the night.
5. Any team found cheating (using a smartphone for assistance, sneaking in crib notes, etc.) will be disqualified from the competition.
6. In the event of a tie for 1st place, the top teams will compete in a tie-breaker challenge.
7. All teams are expected to have funny team names. (Like, Albert Beer Stein or Date Knights of the Round Table)
Study Guidelines
1. Questions will cover all 5 seasons of Bob's Burgers, so you may want to do a marathon of the series.
2. Questions will be based strictly on episode content (so you don't have to worry about knowing production-related stuff like "who voiced such and such character").
3. The majority of questions will range from easy to moderate difficulty, but there will be a few "stumpers" thrown in for the teams that seem to have an almost encyclopedic knowledge of the show.
4. Question content will focus largely on important and funny plot points or recurring elements/characters.