Community Trivia Rules

Rules for Paintball Trivia

There's only one rule: last man standing gets the prize.

1. The trivia competition will start at 8 PM.

2. There will be 3 rounds with 40 questions total (2 rounds of 15, a final round of 10).

3. Teams can have between 1 - 5 members in them.

4. There is no "team fee" to participate; each person pays a $5 cover for the night.

5. Any team found cheating (using a smartphone for assistance, sneaking in crib notes, etc.) will be disqualified from the competition.

6. In the event of a tie for 1st place, the top teams will compete in a tie-breaker challenge.

7. All teams are expected to have awesome team names.

8. No nailing Eartha Kitt in the washroom.