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For Science! Video Dance Party
When: Friday, Nov 25 2011 @ 9:30 PM
Where: Fox & Fiddle (27 Wellesley St E)
Admission: FREE

Why yes, this is the dance party equivalent of Bill Nye and Lady Gaga drunkenly making out with each other!1

NO COVER = more money to spend on drinks containing C2H5OH, woo woo!

Wear a lab coat to get a raffle ticket for statistically significant prizes!


This shindig is going to be more exciting than sodium reacting with water, so don't miss out, or you'll be as sad as one of Harry Harlow's monkeys!

11990s Bill Nye, not 2010s Bill Nye.2

2Though Lady Gaga would probably go for either.3

3Or both at once - if time travel were possible.